Holding Out For A Hero
In my not too distant youth I heard Bonnie Tyler sing ‘Holding Out For A Hero’ and it struck a chord with me. Even though she was singing more about her personal desires I was reminded of it whilst thinking about the lack of political heroes and the miserable state of what passes for politics these days. I too find myself asking:
Where have all the good men gone
And where are all the gods?
Where's the street-wise Hercules
To fight the rising odds?
The current stop on my journey through life finds me living in North America. Canada to be more precise. What are the political alternatives offered up:
US President - Bush vs Kerry
Prime Minister of Canada - Paul Martin vs Steven Harper
Premier of Ontario, Canada - Dalton McGinty vs John Tory
Behind their political masks who are these men? Do they have what it takes to build a future of hope? Are they capable of building an environment where our dreams and our children’s dreams can come alive in glorious technicolour? I hope so.
Unfortunately the cynic in me does not believe any of these men are up to the job. Politics of envy and divisions between haves and have nots will be perpetuated. I am looking for a candidate with the courage of his convictions to lay out a vision of the future which recognises the hard choices which must be faced by the electorate for the good of the WHOLE country and not just pander to the whims of the extremists in society.
Maybe someone among my children’s generation will rise to the challenge. One can only hope.
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